This is S.A, a member of the broadcasting group of HARU. I joined a volunteer activity named “open air market”, which was done in Kesen-numa city (Miyagi prefecture) on 30th April. I will write about the activity. We distributed some clothes, which were sent from many universities around Japan. Kesen-numa is a place destroyed largely by tsunami, and people there can get these clothes free of charge in this activity.
We left Sendai by 2t truck at 6:00 am with Dr Asanuma, a professor of environmental science. We went through Toubu highway and Sanriku road, via Rifu. The road had been affected by the earthquake too, and the car jolted badly.

We opened the open air market at the corner of a parking lot of a convenience store. We spread a blue vinyl sheet and place clothes on it, like a flee market. We arrived there around 8:00 and started preparing, soon a few people started to come. Around 8:30, when we finished preparing, the market was crowded with many people. Not only adults, but also a lot of children came. It was especially impressing to see children choosing school supplies with their parents.

I got some comments from people there. One lady said “I lost my job because the company was destroyed by tsunami. Now I am trying to find a new job while I raise three children. The market is really helpful for me.” I was happy because I could help her even a little and I was touched by her. She was working so hard and being positive to make her living. I asked her what she wanted besides clothes. She said, firstly she needed food and then mentioned about daily necessities and clothes for summer. Another man also talked about the shortage of food. Japanese government is discussing “the step of revival,” but still there is shortage of food and daily necessities. I felt that it was still a step of restoring, not yet revival.
The man told us that it had been difficult for him to get information about this kind of activity. He really needed information in advance. Actually, the lady had heard about the market by word of mouth. Rumor seemed to be an important source of information there.

In an hour, half of the clothes were distributed and in next one hour, almost everything was. The market was a great success. While I was doing the activity, many volunteers from around the country talked to me. I understood that many people really hope revival of Tohoku region, and it was very encouraging.

“Thank you very much…Thank you…” There was an old lady thanked us many times. She escaped from tsunami without bringing anything. She told us, her house had been destroyed by tsunami and she was wearing clothes given by others. I thought that the market could be some help for the people like her. I felt the hardship of reality by talking with people in stricken area. They expect for support for restoring before the stage of revival. On the other hand, when I saw people smiling, fitting clothes to their body and checked how it looked, I felt very happy.
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